Friday, March 6, 2020

Woodcutting and Pandemic (Part 2)

you know your building has hit the big time when it's featured in the new york post. (bigtime)

you would think working on the 8th floor of a building whose lower 7 floors are closed due to corona virus would be troubling. for those of you not in this situation, imagine what a chicken feels like sitting atop an egg... just waiting for corona to hatch. that's what i feel like. not terribly exciting. with all the news about corona virus that's been circulating, i figured it would be fun to play a game of "what's dumber?" to keep our minds off the impending doom.

Question 1 : what's dumber?
A. allowing butchering and eating pangolins and bats at wet markets that harbor vector jumping viruses? or
B. spraying an asian man with febreeze in the subway? (febreezed asian)

Question 2: what's dumber?
A. gagging doctors and researchers of their scientific findings of a potential deadly outbreak in december and proceeding with an annual potluck dinner for 40,000 families? or
B. warning its nation's citizens of a viral outbreak and risking a small economic dip and ruined new year?

Question 3: what's dumber?
A. quarantining a cruise ship with a few passengers infected with corona to try to maximize infections and deaths? or
B. removing healthy passengers before they get infected?

Question 4: what's dumber?
A. believing the governor who's been telling the public not to panic and that corona is not that infectious and driving a sick friend to the hospital and getting infected? ('difficult' transmission) or

B. stockpiling toilet paper and canned goods?

Question 5: what's dumber?
A. going to work, to retrieve blocks of wood stored under my desk for printmaking despite the threat of corona? or
B. working from home?

If you've answered A to any of the questions, don't worry, you're as dumb as large national governments and a daft architect. join me in my printmaking efforts. i've started a night class at the art student's league. to answer my previous post's comment, there's nothing more exciting than carving a piece of wood with a knife for hours and hours in self-quarantine.

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